Eleanore "Ellie" Baker
Age ~ 12
Pronouns ~ she/her
Ellie is a quiet, bright young girl who loves tales of mystery, romance, and adventure. Up until recently, she could not imagine being very adventurous herself, but life had other plans. After being confined to her room for over a year due to a mysterious draconic curse, Ellie grew sick of her situation. She has decided to take up her best friend's offer to run away together.
Jane Andersson
Age ~ 11
Pronouns ~ they/them
Jane is a rambunctious free spirit who can be caught most days running barefoot in the forest from dawn til dusk. While they are friends with many kids in Riverwood, their relationships with most of them are shaky at best. All except for their best friend, who they have stuck by even after her the disapperance from any social life in town. After discovering she was locked away for a curse beyond her control, Jane stepped up and eventually convince her to run away with them.
Johnathan "John" Baker
Age ~ 36
Pronouns ~ he/him
John can be an intense man, but many people in town respect his work as a carpenter and turn to him when extra hands are needed for important building projects. When his daughter became afflicted with a mysterious curse he nor his wife knew how to cure, he swore that he would keep the town from finding out their failings.
Bernadette Baker
Age ~ 32
Pronouns ~ she/her
Bernadette is a strict yet agreeable woman who has won the hearts of many townsfolk with her hard work running her bakery. Many worry about the status of her shop now that she spends much time at home tending to her daughter, who they believe is ill with a long lasting disease. Bernadette, meanwhile, worries that the goodwill of many will be burnt in an instant if they discover that her daughter is suffering from a curse that could spell danger for everyone in town.
Griffin Andersson
Age ~ 19
Pronouns ~ he/him
Griffin’s sour demeanor does much to mask his youth. After his father’s untimely death, Griffin took up his responsibilities as the town’s gravedigger, a job he takes very seriously. As their only relative, Griffin has also had to take responsibility for his sibling Jane’s care, although he’s much less willing to deal with the living.
Daniel Larson

Age ~ 13
Pronouns ~ he/him
Daniel is the self proclaimed leader of a ragtag group of children in Riverwood called the Dock Kids who like to spend their free time under the pier where merchant ships sail in every other week. Since he is the oldest, he tends to declare his opinion on things as final, even if that causes him to butt heads with the other children. He's also a big fan of the theatre, and reads all the playscripts that come through his father's library.
Poppy Olesen

Age ~ 12 1/2
Pronouns ~ she/her
Poppy is a bright young girl who prides herself on her intelligence, having just reached the age where she's realized every fairy tale her parents told totally fake. She knows better now! She often gets into friendly, level-headed debates with Jane and Nelle about the existance of such things, and she tends to win them - or at least believe she has.
Alvin Forester

Age ~ 12
Pronouns ~ he/him
Alvin does whatever he can to catch glimpses of the night sky, stargazing being one of his favorite activities. When his parents make him be "responsible" and go to bed at a proper time, however, he'll spend his days with his best friend Danny as they hang out at the pier with their friends. He tends to agree to whatever Danny decides on for the day, usually helping to outvote on the objections the others could have. That isn't to say he's a total push over; he knows Danny can be hardheaded at the best of times, and objects to his stupidest ideas.
Nelle Hennie

Age ~ 11
Pronouns ~ she/her
Nelle is an avid fan of observing the sea life in the lake that Riverwood rests beside. She could be considered the founder of the Dock Kids club as more kids flocked to her premium meeting spot. She enjoys most of their company, especially when they listen to her ramble about the fish and bugs she's spotted through the day. Unfortunately, she doesn't approve much of the way the oldest can gang up on the little kids and convince them to do some unsavory things, to put it politely.
Angela "Angie" Marchand

Age ~ 9
Pronouns ~ she/her
As the youngest of the Dock Crew, Angie typically tags along for whatever her friends are up to at any given time without much question. She's another fan of books and reading, and used to ask Ellie to read for her when Ellie was still in town. She liked her reading voice much better than Danny's, who is too fast and loud!
Ivan Dahl

Age ~ 21
Pronouns ~ he/him
Ivan is a young recruit into the Riverwood town watch, and as such takes his job very seriously. He used to be very close friends with Griffin, but their relationship was strained after Ivan took up training for the watch, and finally broken when Griffin shut himself away after the death of his father. It's no one's fault, Ivan thinks, though he certainly regrets never having the time to go check on Griffin to begin with.
Mayor Lars Pettersson

Age ~ 55
Pronouns ~ he/him
Mayor Pettersson has been the proud leader of Riverwood for several years now. He oversees the bi-monthly market held in the middle of town, and makes sure it's a welcoming experience for all merchants traveling in from the coast. When trouble arises from his own towns people, he's got his full faith in the town watch to take care of things quickly and efficiently.